
Hello! Thank you for dropping by this blog and page. I enjoy writing and find it gratifying to have my writing seen. Hopefully the views will soon lead to comments – because it would be great to know what you think, brickbats and bouquets alike.

Writing an introduction about this blog and myself is an exercise akin to getting to know myself once again – one requiring careful thought and reflection… who am I, why this blog, why write, why ‘People, Places and Perspectives’, where do I want this to lead to, and more.

It is an exercise I look forward to having, one that deserves a dedicated time block and focused effort. So because of that, I will end this here for now, and return again to complete this page when I have the luxury of ample time, clarity of thought, and who knows, maybe even a wide, openΒ  green field with wild flowers, trees and birds on a cool, sunny day.

Thanks again for dropping by, and toodle-oo – till the next update.


12th of July, 10.52 pm, Taupo, NZ

It’s been three months since I started this blog. Perhaps it’s time to update this page. I have a bit of time, stubborn thoughts that wouldn’t let me rest until they are released from the cage of my mind, and the open green field is right at my doorstep but it is cold and windy out there now, not to mention dark. The birds are asleep and the flowers aren’t doing too good.

Who Am I
I once described myself as a ‘stubborn idealist for whom life is too short to be wasted on work.’ I am still that same idealist. I am blessed to have a job I enjoy and find meaning and purpose in, so I am not wasting my life on mere work. I get to be creative, I get to write, and enjoy the challenge of being creative within a boundary that demands sobriety, common sense, people and public speaking skills, and a respect for company budget and bottom line. Sometimes I fancy myself a maverick in the corporate world. To get an idea of what I do, you may check out this post.

I searched many years within myself to discover my passion and purpose, so having a job I love is not an accident. Once I nailed down my passion and purpose, the real fun began. And the constant drive to exceed my own limits makes it exciting. I don’t suffer from Monday blues…and hopefully I won’t, ever.

Why I Blog and Write
I love writing and I dream of becoming a published author one day. I believe every artist needs an audience. Isn’t art supposed to be enjoyed, appreciated, and consumed in such a way that makes the consumer more enlightened, affirmed, cultured, and maybe even happier than before? And it’s not about creating something alien-ly new. To me the best artists are the ones who show you new, surprising, profound ways of looking at all things that are in existence, within and without. Maybe they reveal beauty that you’ve always taken for granted, or shed light on human nature, reminding you that you belong and giving expression to something that’s already in you.

So what use is art without human consumption? This is why I write and blog: I love writing and blogging is a platform to see other writing and get mine seen. To learn from and be inspired by my fellow dreamers. And hopefully this culminates in dreams come true.

Why ‘People, Places, and Perspectives’
These are my constant source of inspiration and revelation. Of course God is behind Creation and inspiration – this I believe as a Christian so it goes without saying.

So there goes my updated ‘About’ page. My hope for views leading to comments and interaction has come true – so thank you to all of you who cared to read and drop a few words πŸ™‚ May we all find what we seek and get to where we want and need to be, and have lots of fun along the way!

tonight the wind
imitates the waves
good night – it is dark outside

– Alexis –

19 thoughts on “About

  1. To the typical question: ” Who are we, where do we come from, and were are heading”? Pierre Dac a French humorist once said: “As far as I’m concerned, I am me, I’m coming from home and that’s where I’m headed!”
    Just be you and take care. πŸ™‚


  2. Pingback: Just Jot it July | Miss Lou Acquiring Lore

  3. You’re aware of your search, that’s a step in the right direction. Your blog has got my mind going, and there is nothing I like more than something that makes me think. I’ll be keeping an eye on this. Good stuff so far.


  4. All of us without exception need a little bit fresh air of love and self-esteem ! some release by writings , reading , sporting , loving , blogging…and many more.
    The true here you found your self ! writing is a diamond inside you that you show others you have the ability to know something and tell to them …encourage them … inspire them…

    Thanks for being awesome and welcome to world of self-esteem.
    Dariush Youhaneh
    Writer & Blogger


  5. Pingback: β€œOne Lovely Blog” Award Nomination! | Some Kernels of Truth

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